Any questions? Here you can find our FAQs.

The shipping costs depend on the destination country. For deliveries to Austria or Germany, the shipping costs are waived from EUR 49. For deliveries to other countries, different shipping costs apply, you can find a detailed list here.

Under a purchase value of EUR 49, EUR 4.90 shipping costs for Austria and Germany apply. Shipping is free for purchases over EUR 49.

You can find the shipping costs for other European countries here.

Delivery normally takes between five and six working days, delivery time may vary in different countries. During a promotion, an extended delivery time of up to 12 working days may occur.

You can check the delivery status of your order in your customer account or click on the tracking link in the shipping confirmation.

You can choose from the following payment methods: Visa-Card, Mastercard, Paypal and Klarna (Sofortüberweisung)

In this case there can be different reasons, for example general technical problems, input errors, card validity. As an alternative, we are happy to offer you the following payment methods: Paypal and Klarna (instant bank transfer).

You will find the three-digit card verification number on the back of your credit card.

Ja, die Pure-Filets von CAT'S LOVE sind hervorragend für Katzen mit Allergien geeignet. Die Filets bestehen zu 100 % aus natürlichen Zutaten und enthalten 97 % feinstes Fleisch. Besonders vorteilhaft für Allergiker sind die Single-Protein-Sorten Lachs Pur und Huhn Pur, da sie nur eine einzige Eiweißquelle enthalten und somit das Risiko von allergischen Reaktionen minimieren. Alle Filets werden sorgfältig in Österreich hergestellt und kommen ohne künstliche Zusatzstoffe aus, was sie besonders verträglich und hochwertig macht.

The products for older cats in our range are specially tailored to their needs. This includes a mineral mix that supports the intestinal flora and helps to maintain a healthy intestinal balance, especially in older cats. 

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